

Boeing Global Services Data and Digital Enablement needed to upgrade their Maintenance and Training division. The existing training was done in two facilities. One in Florida for aviation and the other in Renton for maintenance on Boeing airplanes. Students all over the world would fly to the Renton facility to become certified to work on Boeing airplanes. Coming from all other the world opened the opportunity for human error. This is a cost dilemma for both Boeing and the respective airline for the student. Once the student has cleared their credentials they then attend classes which had documents over 400 pages to learn from. Student were not able to take these materials outside of the classroom which caused for a pain point for students to study from. Both these pain points needed a solution.

my role

To solve these issues, as the UX Lead Designer for the Maintenance and Training division I worked in a partnership with the business and development teams to come up with a solution. It was clear that a downloadable app would be beneficial for all parties involved. Being the Lead UX Designer also meant being a UX advocate for my design team. I managed a design team in an agile environment with two week sprints. I was able to move the design sprint to two weeks ahead of the development team to ease any technical capabilities.



In order to keep the consistency of business expectations and development capabilities, I held meetings weekly to define the UX for future students. This involved:

  • Being an advocate for the UX design team

  • Creating the UX document for the business and development team

  • Brought the design team to two weeks ahead of development for ease of technical differences

  • Mentoring junior level designers on UX principles


design + delivery

The design team worked towards developing an application that would be downloadable on both iOS and Android system. Each student would be able to upload their information for verification prior to arriving at Boeing, close the gap for human error. It would also allow the student to clearly view which course they are taking, communicate with other students, download content to be viewed both online and offline.

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